Monday, October 29, 2012

Season Ender

That's All Folks.. hahah maybe a few more here and there but tis time to get ready to move full bore.. Still waiting the hear back about revisiting Ecuador and down to Peru.. ( crossing my fingers the Lord see's that its right and lets us move forward.) for i want this in my life..... quick sketch for my Rose.
Cleaned up 4 hard drives and about to have them all backing each other up and me being able to sleep more soundly knowing my library is firing on all cylinders and I can focus on producing works...Here is an American Kestrel i shot in the back yard yesturday as he was picking off lizards sunning themselves...
With that being said... I hope to be off Nov. 1st to El Salvador, Then Hawaii, (if it its meant to be) Ecuador and Peru, then New Zealand to Australia to Bali... Will be working hard to continue to travel and prosper in my field... here are some fun days from this summer... Thank you all to my friends who always welcome me back to town, the athletes i work closely with and the new friends I will meet on the way....
There were a few of the classic midday glass off firing all day surf til you can't move days which i truly love!!!
and this left is one of the most happy places in my life!!! Thanks to all my sponsors and help this year!!!
See ya next season!!