SHIT is goin down!!! Running a tad late but the RV dubbed the " Blue Whale" is loaded and rolling... Meet up with GENE Cooper after a couple days hanging out with Miles and Sterling at San 0!!! They brought some LoneStars, showed us an amazing time and dinners at Sterlings house and shot San O...
Alex Knost surfed and saw tons of my friends.. I should hang out there more...
Day 2
Nice couch nite at Genes. Head over to meet Fletch (owner of Patagonia) and chat at the office.. Tide is right and we bogey over to his house to surf out front... AMAZING time and i have never been sold on this wave until this day...
Everyone one gets one Fletch , Jocko and Seth...
food and beers end the day..
Day 3
A quick call to Legend , master, and all around bad ass David Pu'u... chat about his 36 day swim and work ethic... ( i truly aspire to be more like him) and come to terms that the waves aren't gonna show... Pack it up and off to Santa Cruz...
Arrive in SC gettin supplies and watching the lane... good stuff..