I stole that language from invasion from planet c.... i listen to The Queers about the last day of summer.... Ron gets a photo drawing a line at Lowers and i'll show you a photo of my foot and heel really busted up and bruised... awesome!!!!!!!!!!
We all know how powerful the Prayer Train can work..
I try not to ask for much or for the wrong thing.. The Lord Gives what you need when you need it and nothing you don't.... I hope I am asking for the right thing and if it's meant to be then its Meant to be... Nothing a little wishful thinking wouldn't hurt... :)
SO, without spilling the beans, Next week I will hear back from someone about an amazing opportunity..( a job type opportunity) This is one that can change my whole trip and help me help others more (inspire, entertain and enlighten). It would be a platform on which to stand on and be recognized for all the hard work that has gone unseen and the passion I have for my job...
Like i said if its meant to be then so be it... and I am happy with the Lords' decisions for me.. Just a little pumped up and want this in my life... Thanks for all the positive thoughts, prayers and just a "go get em!" helps.. ;) I hope this finds you well and you are enjoying some surf.... Aloha and thanks....
John Badfoot and I working hard on the promo video.. The sunset from my backporch ...
I don't mind injury pains.... infact it makes me feel more alive and I miss it sometimes... WHAT I HATE is the healing time it takes, the "not being able to do anything" helplessness and the fact that I am sitting and not working drives me batty.......
So I shot some barrels and skateboarding early in the morning yesturday and surfed... had fun and when running down for session number two, slippped down a flight of stairs and blew out my heellll.. I surfed on it and it got worse...
so much so that I had the lifegaurd drive me to my house.... pretty rad as i just live up at the park.. hahah...
ANYWHO.... totally sucks as the surf was sick and worth shooting... With that being said, here is a shot taken from the pier cam as i was nursing my ankle all last nite feeling sorry for myself... UGH.. i dont care but my body was feeling really fit the past week with NO back pain or neck and was swimming everyday and feeling amazing...
ugh.. back to square one.....
Just lettin ya know why i missed two blog entries...
SO summer was pretty much a bust.. But Fall is usally a different story... The sun is out occasionally and warms up enough to get a little sun on the body..
The surf in Hawaii starts to pick up and mini ramp sessions last long into the evening... Nick Gates shot this boneless of me at the Shred Ranch... Such a fun ramp and party to be at... Keep an eye out for more from Nick at BrokenMagazine.com
Here is a link to my friend and master lensman Jeff Flindt. I truly respect Mr. Flindt and his work and when i saw this contest i thought it was a wonderful and challenging event. I don't do contests, but figured this is a true challenge and a great lesson on waiting to pull the trigger.... contest link So with that being said.. here is the Skull Candy ramp we skated....
THis weekend as i call it cause i finally tried to treat myself to one like a citizen of this mass community called southern California.. Started off great.. Saw my friend Tyler who I hadn't seen in a while at a place i usually dont go and had a great chat, had and a few beers with a beautiful girl and shot some terrible pool. WOke up to teach some young ladies surf lessons only to have a huge set show up and scare the SH*T outta them and pretty much hate me as a coach until we found some little reforms and all was forgiven...
WHAT??? A phone call later from a good friend ( I STRESS THE WORD FRIEND) Jason Arnold about shredding the gnar at a party.. TELL YOU WHAT!!!! I was meeting him right after some Wahoo's ( I LOVE WAHOO's!) at the SkullCandy parking lot and heading down to Jeff King's Shred Ranch in Oside. After a few runs with Nick Gates in the office of Skullcandy (Fun Ramp) it was on...
Aaron Astorga was getting gnarly and showing everyone the lines around the house made skate love fest.. I got to shoot an outta focus photo of Neil Mimms gapping into the pool which was gnarly.. Stoked to Skate with Neil. This one guy did Benihannas' out the back yard over the septic tank overflow. THe Half Pipe had Bmxer's flipping and spining.. WOW 540's and such...
Got to skate with Legend Dr. Schmitt and had a great coversation just about appreciating skateboarding for many a years.... He was pumped on my layback and I was stoked on that! hahah.. .
Jeff Budro showed up and the Sector 9 grom (forgot his name ) was impressing even the best of the shredders... Nose Picks went down on the roof and what a fun time...
whew........... The night continued and i am frothing on the good times and great skateboarding with friends......
SO the movie High Water was a great film and a great 2 days hanging with Mr. Dana Brown. We chatted, laughed, drank some beers and enjoyed a great weekend..
i cannot tell you how much it meant to me when the crowd burst into a full on ROAR when my interview came up. I know my parents were thrilled and I as well to be grouped into such a talent pool of amazing athletes, charachters and professionals....
Thank you Corpus, MDC and Julie Doyle!!! That was an amazing time!!
Love Your Community and do well by it and it will do well by you!!! Dear Port Aransas.... Please DO NOT EVER BUILD a fence around the park... Despite catching some young girls (Melissa and some other non-skaters) taggin in the big bowl and kicking them out, I was blessed with a session with my friends and this sunset.... Fences would ruin this.. IF anything please build a birdwatching walkway to benefit the skaters as well as the birders and keep this view for more amazing photos upon my return!!!
OH and this ramp is almost done and i love it!!! GREAT TRIP home to hang with the family and friends....
Please say a prayer for those dealin with hardships right now and that they may soon find the light!
A letter from Surfrider in TX: (This was just for the Donation in the TX chapter, we split it with a Florida Chapter that got hit the hardest during the oil spill.)
jon, just a note to let you know that the money you donated from the 'impromptu art show' will be used to pay tuition for 10 students in the next oil spill awareness training course. flint hills paid for the first class in september, and we saved your donation for the class to be held on november 30th. the national spill control school at tamu-cc has scheduled the class once each quarter, with the first class of 2011 to be in early february.
many thanks and we certainly appreciate your support of our chapter,
John S. Adams Chair - Coastal Bend Chapter Surfrider Foundation www.surfrider.org/coastalbend jsahips@me.com surfridertxcbc@yahoo.com 361.549.3186
A day to catch up on downloading.. opening mail....answering emails and just enjoying the rain in southern california....
here are a few shots from my old friend I went to school with for quite sometime. Adam Farrell owner of Pinnacle Fitness off Weber is a great instructor and so pumped i went and worked with him on some things that have been bothering me from past injuries as well as progressing!..
Then we all went to the skate park. I like hanging out with these ladies as they are all about art and creating. We all checked out the Felder Gallery in Port Aransas before heading home and witnessing a bum get roughed up and escorted off the mall parking lot....
whew...... downtime for a minute in california catchin up on work while it's raining.. .... whats that?! it's snowing in the mountains..!????
A run out to Port Aransas (not Arkansas Surfer Magazine!) and an empty park to be had! Last week EG at the Sector 9 gave me some new boards to ride... I didnt feel like i had been pulling my weight lately enough to justify new boards so i didn't end up settin up just yet....
I wanted to make sure my last board was on its way out before gettin all "sponsored" and not finishing boards that i started... SO with that being said, the tail is all bashed up and the board is now ready for retirement....
GScott and I have been working together for the past 8 years ( i have to check dates as it might be more!) but what a team we have been making.. I appreciate his craft and his time shoooting me....
Here is a photo of my best friend Ed. He lives in town here and should have turned pro years ago. He has cat like reflexes when he skates and a rad style to watch.... One of the best Melons in the business... I am Thrilled to have been able to skate with him and so PUMPED Gscott got this shot of the two of us..... Thats what its all about.... friends and skateboarding....
SO, the bowl was empty and i'm heading back today to skate.... An 80's boneless, some 80's sess slides and some other trippy roll around stuff.... I LOVE THIS PARK!!!!!