Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Have Camera, Will Travel

Date: 4/11/12
For Immediate Release:

Re: Have Camera, Will Travel!
Surf Film/ Art Show/ Junior Lifeguard Fundraiser

Date: May 12, 2012

Place: House of Rock
511 Starr St.
Corpus Christi TX 78401

Time: 6pm -10pm

Cost: $10/ adults , $5 kids

Mike Doyle Customs Surf Shop.
Sector 9

Featured Artists: Jon Steele
Gabe Prusmack
The Orchard Brothers
Dallas McMahon
Wade Koniakowsky
John Olvey

'Have Camera, Will Travel!' is an ongoing series of films and art collaborations by world traveling surfing photographer Jon Steele. Mr. Steele grew up in Corpus Christi, TX and now secures his livelihood shooting professional surfing globally. With recent travels to the Galapagos Islands and the winters big swells in Hawaii, the movie and art fundraiser proceeds will go towards starting a Jr. Lifegaurd program. Steele was once a Coastal Bend Beach lifeguard himself and plans to give back in securing the safety of the waters he grew up surfing and growing his professional passion.

"I think its a great opportunity to get kids and young adults interested in the water and surfing and the lifestyle we love so much. It's a chance to give back to their community and be responsible for their beaches they are inheriting. It's a place for kids to get in shape, be aware of the opportunities the Gulf of Mexico provides and learn how we can take care of the vast resource and take pride in their beaches. The Junior Lifegaurd program is something I feel the entire state of Texas would benefit from and would like to have continue in for many years to come." states Steele
Steele and contributing artists from Houston and Corpus Christi as well as California based artist Wade Koniakowsky will be collaborating their work on skateboard decks as well as other mediums to raise money to start the program here in the Coastal bend.

Here is a link to similar Junior Lifeguard programs in California to which it will be modeled after. Link: