Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sunset Beach Hawaii

SO here is a very famous mailbox if you are a Texan.... Not that he really represents Texas but for those who need someone to look up to, Ken Bradshaw was definately someone a Texan could be stoked on..

here's another!!!!
Morgan Faulkner finds an inside bowl while Todd Glaser watches..
Morgan was a champ for firing me up to shoot here mid day... Everywhere else kinda maxed out but inside Sunset was smoking...

Huge thanks to Morgan for lending me the 600 to get these shots.. stoked.... more to come as the rain is falling and its a good day to edit 2 past glorious days of shooting!!! whew.....

here we go...
Huge Thanks to Jon Badfoot Arman for helping put this video together. We were tired of people thinking this job was a cake walk.. So we showed ya how someone else does it.. Here is the link to a Day in The Life