Thursday, April 8, 2010

Double Cheese and YankeeDoodles!!!

I was teaching a surf lesson to an 11 year old young man yesturday..
after explaining all day what Troughs are and crests and every description about waves i could think of to keep him interested and learning...
He stopped me in my tracks and said.. You know, you could be telling me any name you wanted for these things and I wouldnt have a clue if it were right or wrong..

So from now on as per his request all my classes will be learning about Double Cheese and YankeeDoodles!!!

This kid is sharp as a whip... So we caught tons of Double Cheese and YankeeDoodles alll day and had a blast... i havent laughed that hard and much in a long time..

Off to teach some kids about Double Cheese and YankeeDoodles!!!