I am double bloggin so you can enjoy your Friday relaxing and checkin out fun photos..
This piece of art was sick!!
SO the following evening is the Waterman's Ball hosted by SIMA..
It is an auction to raise money as well as a presentation for LifeTime Acheivement award: George Downing (One of my favorites and an amazing story teller)
Enviromentalist of the year: Zuma Jay
Waterman of the year: Greg Long (truly deserved and most humble man I know)
Pamela Anderson, Jon Rose, and Evan Slater chat it up..
My art was auctioned off for $350 (Surfboard Lowers painting), I believe it went to Paul Naude! ;) and $200 (for the skatedeck painting!!) Stoked to help out. (bottom Right hand side of photo)
Perry Ferrel buys some of Thomas Campbell's work.
Paul Naude (Billabong) , Gerry Lopez and Wooly aka Richard Wolcott aka Volcom
Jeff Divine and artists, Reef McIntosh is RAD, Doug P from VANS portrait.
Chris Christenson is my HERO!!! I love this guy!! I met him once years ago and he has always remembered my name.. He always says hello and I am thrilled to have friends like that.. the guy builds INSANE boards!!!! Thanks Chris...
Jeff Divine and George Downing.